Sunday, October 20, 2019

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Certified Copy


Certified Copy 2010 FULL HD 1080P
Title : Certified Copy
žánr : Drama, Romantický
posádka : Marin Karmitz, Luca Bigazzi, Nathanaël Karmitz, Charles Gillibert, Caroline Eliacheff, Abbas Kiarostami, Abbas Kiarostami, Bahman Kiarostami
datum vydání : 2010-05-18
runtime : 106 Minutes
Posádka : Juliette Binoche, William Shimell, Jean-Claude Carrière, Agathe Natanson, Gianna Giachetti, Adrian Moore, Angelo Barbagallo, Andrea Laurenzi, Filippo Trojano, Manuela Balsinelli

Synopsis :

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Certified Copy

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